
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wish Granted

When my friend went to the Holy Land last June for her birthday (we happen to share the same birthday, by the way), she asked her friends through FB their prayer requests and wishes so she could make petitions while in pilgrimage. I sent her a PM to request two things. And one of those requests was granted to us a couple of months later.  The Lord heard our prayers! 

A few hours after we found out about my grandmother's passing (which were a couple of hours before my flight to Manila, too) we learned that we are pregnant.  Yes, two pink lines gave us a new reason to smile.  It gave us hope that my piece of good news will help easen the pain when I see my family.

all positive

excited little fella

Little Dade will now be a kuya.  As early as now, he kisses my tummy and refers to my belly as "baby".  I'm sure he'll be more excited when he sees it become bigger in just a few more months.

We are very, very happy and couldn't be more thankful for this beautiful blessing.  God is good.  God is good all the time.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sad Goodbye

Last 8 September, on the day of Mother Mary’s birthday, my maternal grandmother peacefully passed away.

I found out while I was at work, and ironically, I was the one who needed comforting than my Mom who broke the news to me. I was kept posted about Nanay’s condition through our cousin’s group in Blackberry Messenger but the finality of it all came through a phone call that I wasn’t looking forward to.  My cousins and I planned on going home to see her before she passes, but we were a day too late. I guess it was meant to be that way so we wouldn’t have to see her state at the hospital. We bid our final goodbyes to her last Tuesday before she was finally laid to rest. All grandchildren and great grandchildren released white helium balloons with words “WE LOVE YOU NANAY”.

She was a wonderful grandmother and a great matriarch.  One of the toughest women I know. We will never, ever forget her.