
Friday, February 24, 2012

My Nappy Bag Is Here!

After so much thought and contemplation, I decided to get this nappy bag for Baby L:

funky nappy bag

This bag has a funny story behind it that I'll share with you even though it's boring, to be honest, haha!!  It was on sale a couple of weeks ago at It was a surprise 2-day sale, and I was almost sure I was getting the bag. When I was checking out and paying for my purchase, my UAE credit card was rejected by the website. I was heartbroken!  I hate you, Kate Spade!!  This is discrimination!!! Huhuhu!!! 

Anyhoo, my colleague, L offered to use her UK debit card but unfortunately, It didn't have enough credit so transaction was also rejected. I decided to just let go and move on by searching for the same bag on eBay. Patience is indeed a virtue as a week later, I got the very same bag for a little more than half of its original price. I was so thrilled when I won the auction. At only USD 220 with free shipping to NY, it was a steal!

I couldn't tell you how happy I was when Aramex came to our office last Thursday to deliver my new bag. I never thought she'd be so pretty in real life! Me happy preggy Mommy! :)

She's a striking bag that's so funky and feminine! Plus she's super spacious. Depth is 8" and filled with pockets and compartments. My Dwell Studio Large Travel Case fits her perfectly, and with more than enough space for more stuff.  I can easily throw in a blanket and toy for the little girl with ease.

Thanks to father dear for this lovely gift for me & Baby L.  We love you, Lolo Dad! Mwah!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Baby Bedding For Baby L

Most people say that when you are having a baby girl, it is much easier to buy stuff because there are a lot more choices for you.  I thought it would be a breeze for me to pick out items for our little princess but ironic as it may seem, I find the items for baby boys much more appealing.  

As Baby L will be using Kuya Dade's cot when she comes out, it is only but fitting to get a special bedding that would fit a princess. After showing my 3 options to dear husband (he abhorred anything pink & brown for the nursery!!), the only bedding set that met his standard is this lovely warm pink, mint green and aqua blue (whew!):

bright & happy set of beddings

Ain't it super girly? Oh, the set would beautifully match the white cot from Ikea plus the letters I got from Pottery Barn that would spell out our little girl's name! I so can't wait to start decorating the nursery!

I tried to order it from Amazon the other day but was disappointed to learn that they were out out of stock. I was determined to get the set at no more than $99 so when I saw this being sold on final clearance at, I quickly bought it without thinking twice. I got it for $79.99 + $13 Fed Ex shipping to my address in Aramex Shop & Ship NY.  It should arrive next week, and I'm super excited to receive it! :)

Little Mr. Independent

My young boy is such a fruit monster.  Never a day goes by that he doesn't get his hands (and mouth!) on fruits.  I think fruits are his first love.

One ordinary day after work, we passed by the nearby Spinney's to buy his fruit stash. as soon as he saw me put the bunch of bananas on the basket, he insisted on carrying it by himself.  Whenever Ryan attempts to help him out, he puts the basket down and shows his unhappy face.  He obviously wanted to be involved in picking out his fruits and carry them by himself.

taking the basket from Dada

Taking our cue, we went to the fridge next and allowed him to choose the fruits he liked. He took some honey due and some watermelon slices. It was funny how he was seriously contemplating on getting the huge, half cut watermelon over the slices! He was close to picking out the pineapple slices but decided against it, and then went over to check out the citrus section instead.  I was relieved he didn't pick any of the imported berries (expensivo!)

Here he is carrying his groceries.

proud baby boy

After we paid, he also insisted on carrying his bought goods. It was difficult for him to carry the bag, but he showed how determined he was to make it to the car without any help.  That's when i realized my little boy is no longer a baby, and somehow, it made my heart sink :(