
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Extremely Grateful

Hubby and I heard mass at St. Mary’s Church last Sunday, and I must admit it has been a while since we’ve last been to the church together. Ours is a mixed marriage - him being a Protestant, and I , a Catholic, so our joint visits to the Catholic church is not exactly a common practice. Nevertheless, whenever we go hand in hand, it never feels like we’re much too different from the other couples in the flock. He respects my belief as much as I respect his. And at the end of the day, we’re both Christians. we believe in one God - that’s what’s matters to us.

While talking to God in His home, I could not help but feel emotional with all the things that are happening around me. I have so many reasons to be thankful for…so many blessings that I know I should count. I could not even put into words how happy I am at this stage in my life. Life’s not perfect, but it’s awesome! How can I complain when I’ve got:

...a wonderful husband who loves me unconditionally despite my faults, who’s very supportive of me, and who accepts my good and bad sides wholeheartedly. He cooks and bakes well, too, so that’s an added bonus :) His steadfast love keeps me going, and I am sincerely thankful that God gave him to me to be my lifetime partner.

…great parents who brought me up the non-interventionist way, turning me into a person of individualism. Despite being liberal parents, they have instilled proper values in me and made sure I'd grow up with great fear of the Lord.

…two lovely sisters who can be quite
a handful at times but are the sweetest and the most fun to be with even in the most ordinary situations. They add spice to my madcap life, and if given the Twilight Zone chance to choose my siblings, I’d still pick in a heartbeat.
…well-meaning relatives who assure me and my family that we have trusted people to run to when problems arise.

…five bestfriends who know me inside out, who support me when needed, and who tell things straight to my face with no reservations. I may not be connected to these people by blood, but we are definitely linked by soul. I really do think they were cherry-picked by God to walk down my path.

…old, faithful friends who grew up with me and nurtured me into a person worth calling a “friend”. Despite the distance, we know that our friendship will never dwindle. I trust that we would find it quite easy to pick up where we left off. having met them and keeping what we have intact after all these years is something i am incredibly proud of.

…all three human basic needs available within reach. not exactly luxurious but enough for us to live in comfort.

…a satisfying career that continuously provides challenge to my capabilities. My industry doesn’t touch lives in a direct way, but it gets credit after the unforeseen happens.

…sunny weather all-year-round. I wake up everyday to a beautiful clear, blue sky. Temperature shoots up during summer but it’s part of the deal. Nothing beats the feeling of seeing the rays of sunshine on a crappy day.

…Saidur, our office tea boy, who makes superb coffee in the morning. My day at work officially begins when he puts down my steaming cup 5 minutes before 8:00 o’clock. I get my dose before everyone else does (yup, I beat my MD for that!). He definitely tolerates my addiction to coffee that’s why I love him!

…Kumar, our security personnel, who never fails to greet me every morning with a smiling nod. I know that when something horrible happens in the office, at least someone will care to look for me to make sure I’m alright. I’ve proven that when we experienced earthquake two years ago. He combed the entire floor looking for me when I wasn’t at the assembly point and silly me got a good scolding when he found me later on dilly dallying in the lobby to evacuate.

… an affordable but dependable dry-cleaners that keeps my suits clean and crisp. I’m a sucker for well-pressed clothing and they definitely have a content customer in me.

…good available technology that gets me connected to my loved ones. And when I say good, it’s equivalent to fast, reliable connection.

...a personality that can be easily pleased with simple pleasures in life. I get childishly excited over little things, and I can’t be bothered with what people think. Oh, the joy I get over receiving a mail by post, hearing people say “thank you” or seeing old couples still holding hands!

See, God is tremendously good. He provides, He listens, He bestows blessings. Sometimes, even if you don’t ask, He just gives generously. You just have to be appreciative.  In life, what truly matters is how you live acknowledging the fact that everything that surrounds you is nothing but temporary. it should always be His love that would count as the greatest blessing of all. Agree? Agree.