
Monday, March 24, 2008

Updates, Updates

Hey guys, I'm back from oblivion! And whaddaya know, a long weekend had passed and I didn’t even notice. Problem these days is that time passes by so quickly, you never even get to linger on it as much as you would love to. There’s always something to do and more often than not, these are things that are pressing to ignore.

Anyway, pardon me if I'll write in bullets. I'm just itching to share what I’ve been up to the last few days, and my thoughts are still a bit scattered as my mind is still on vacation mode. It was Prophet Mohammed’s birthday last Thursday so it was a public holiday here in the UAE, and I’ve applied for a holiday yesterday as it was Easter Sunday so I had a 4 days off in total. It was short but I was in full throttle. Here’s a list of what I did:

- had dinner with my friend, C
- caught up on sleep
- cleaned and redecorated the living room. (thank you, Ikea for your wonderful inspirations, and for selling reasonably priced furniture) :)
- had a fun date with hubby on Friday. Saw the film “Vantage Point” via the buy one take one promo of HSBC Credit card at Cinestar Cinemas. Had a late lunch at Coco’s thereafter
- took afternoon naps
- did the laundry
- did some ironing
- snoozed
- went to the bank for some errands
- shopped for a new rug and dining table cloth...although honestly, I would’ve loved a new dining table set. It was so tempting because Home Centre was on S-A-L-E at 70%!!
- zzzzzzzzzzz….
- grocery shopped for our supplies
- watched “Mr. Brooks” and “88 Minutes” on DVD
- heard mass on Easter Sunday and had lunch at Chili’s afterwards
- blogged after a long hiatus

By the way, I changed my mind about the planner. I thought it’s wise to just wait until my trip to Europe and have it purchased there instead. Or probably ask my cousin to get it for me when she goes to Paris for a flight. Sayang ang tax refund!  I did not dare go to Burjuman or Mall of the Emirates to tempt myself.  Hubby thinks I'm such a good girl. *wink*

1 comment:

Munchkin Mommy said...

what a wonderful way to spend a long weekend! :) it does take a while to snap off vacation mode. hehehe! :) i wish you many more weekends like this. :) God bless!