
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sigh of Relief!

When was my last post?  Feb?  Gosh!  I thought Iwas gonna get better at this.  Boy, was I so wrong!  Since we planned for the little girl's birthday party #1 (yes, she has another in Manila this coming July), we've been very, very busy at home.  Never thought that celebrating a girl's birthday party is a lot difficult than a boy's.  So many elements, so much DIY projects!  More on that later.

Now that my little one's party is through, I will finally get to have time for myself.  And me-time for me means pampering time and writing time. I'm planning another party but that will be a lot easier because I'll have suppliers that I can book who can handle everything without me having to burn the midnight oil.  I'll leave everything to the experts this time.

Tata for now and I promise to be back again soon.  No more idling this time.

Take care peeps!

1 comment:

maqui said...

cant wait to see the party pics!

happy birthday,lexie!