
Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sister Act

I miss my sisters…terribly!  Yup, unbelievably true, but I really do miss them. Marian posted a comment on my Friendster account, and just out of the blue, she started reminiscing about the bullying I used to do to her when I was still around.  (that’s a perk when you are the eldest…hehehe!) :D

My youngest sister Bernadette sent me a message in Friendster, too, saying that she misses me a lot at home. No screaming Gracie in the morning to shove her out of the bed so that she won’t be late for school, and no Gracie to delegate household tasks to her during weekends. She also misses having me as her designated driver in the morning to drop her off to St. Paul QC on my way to work, and pick her up on certain occasions where she had to stay late for a school project or activity.

They were both were very vocal in telling me how much they’ll miss having me around the house during this year’s Christmas dinner and New Year’s eve celebration. Well, maybe that’s because I always organize these special happenings for the family, and they have gotten so used to that. In any case, I'm sure they will survive the celebrations without me. It may be painful for all of us to be apart, but they have no choice but to face the fact that their big sister won’t be home for Christmas. GRAMARBER ain’t complete for the 2007 holidays, but next year, I'll make sure to make it up and celebrate it with a blast!

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