
Monday, March 9, 2009

My Current Reads

I love reading ever since as far as I can remember. When I was in gradeschool, I would always go for summer vacation at my cousins', and the favorite thing I'd do back then was ransack their school books, particularly their reading books. Oh, I could still picture the joy on my face going through all the pages! I am particularly interested in fiction - keeps my imagination oiled and running. but now that i'm pregnant, i became drawn to books that are related to pregnancy and child rearing.
for now, these are what's laid on my bedside table:

The "What To Expect..." was a book I bought at National Bookstore during our holiday last December. I got it 3 days after I learned I'm pregnant. I love this book a lot! Gives me peace of mind at times when I'd find myself experiencing pregnancy-related symptoms and other what-have-you's for the first time. A pregnancy bible indeed!
"The Smart Mom's Guide..." was given by my friend & kumare, M last Christmas. Quite interesting because it was designed for Pinay Moms and Moms-to-be. Learned a lot from this book, too.

"Chicken Soup for The Soul - On Being a Parent" was a Christmas gift from my in-laws. Our pregnancy couldn't have come at a better time so they thought of giving us this book to prepare ourselves to the beautiful journey of parenthood. The book's heartwarming and inspiring stories make me feel more excited to become a parent.

Now that I am expecting, I'm more inclined to read books more than ever. Aside from these paperbacks, I recently bought "Marley & Me" and "For One More Day", which I haven't read yet. I'm so excited to pore through the pages already!


Anonymous said...

I loved both books - For One More Day and Marley & Me! :) You should also watch the movie!

Gracie said...

hi Eper,
i'm almost done with Marley & Me. kahit na naiyak na 'ko sa movie, i still cried reading the book.